CIBERTEC is technology

Technology school.

Modern microcontrollers

Un microcontrolador es un circuito integrado que en su interior contiene una unidad central de procesamiento (CPU), unidades de memoria (RAM y ROM).



This is a osciloscope

Digital signal is a discrete signal.


Large Data Systems and the Internet of Things.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Internet has empowered the knowledge of people since its begining and now its turn to make "things" intelligent enough to satisfy the human prospects.

Smart Refrigerators

OK, sure, you might be saying that smart fridges already exist. That may be true, but they also aren't really that smart, they just have a screen that can connect to the Internet.

Imagine if your fridge could analyze what is in it, and then build you a shopping list based on your previous food-buying habits. or even order the groceries for delivery on its own. Or if it could sense when you're going to be home from the GPS signal on your phone and put a frozen pizza in the oven through a little door in the side.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Resultado de imagen para INTERNET OF THINGS
In the broadest sense, the term IoT encompasses everything connected to the internet, but it is increasingly being used to define objects that "talk" to each other. "Simply, the Internet of Things is made up of devices – from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables – connected together," Matthew Evans, the IoT programme head at techUK, told WIRED.

By combining these connected devices with automated systems, it is possible to "gather information, analyse it and create an action" to help someone with a particular task, or learn from a process. In reality, this ranges from smart mirrors to beacons in shops and beyond.

"It's about networks, it's about devices, and it's about data," Caroline Gorski, the head of IoT at Digital Catapult told WIRED. IoT allows devices on closed private internet connections to communicate with others and "the Internet of Things brings those networks together. It gives the opportunity for devices to communicate not only within close silos but across different networking types and creates a much more connected world."

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Many of us have dreamed of smart homes where our appliances do our bidding automatically. The alarm sounds and the coffee pot starts brewing the moment you want to start your day. Lights come on as you walk through the house. Some unseen computing device responds to your voice commands to read your schedule and messages to you while you get ready, then turns on the TV news. Your car drives you to work via the least congested route, freeing you up to get caught up on your reading or prep for your morning meeting while in transit.

We've read and seen such things in science fiction for decades, but they're now either already possible or on the brink of coming into being. And all this new tech is forming the basis of what
The Internet of Things (IoT), also sometimes referred to as the Internet of Everything (IoE), consists of all the web-enabled devices that collect, send and act on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using embedded sensors, processors and communication hardware. These devices, often called "connected" or "smart" devices, can sometimes talk to other related devices, a process called machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, and act on the information they get from one another. Humans can interact with the gadgets to set them up, give them instructions or access the data, but the devices do most of the work on their own without human intervention. Their existence has been made possible by all the tiny mobile components that are available these days, as well as the always-online nature of our home and business networks.

Connected devices also generate massive amounts of Internet traffic, including loads of data that can be used to make the devices useful, but can also be mined for other purposes. All this new data, and the Internet-accessible nature of the devices, raises both privacy and security concerns.

But this technology allows for a level of real-time information that we've never had before. We can monitor our homes and families remotely to keep them safe. Businesses can improve processes to increase productivity and reduce material waste and unforeseen downtime. Sensors in city infrastructure can help reduce road congestion and warn us when infrastructure is in danger of crumbling. Gadgets out in the open can monitor for changing environmental conditions and warn us of impending disasters.

These devices are popping up everywhere, and these abilities can be used to enhance nearly any physical object.

Resultado de imagen para HOW DOES THE IOT WORK?


Resultado de imagen para VENTAJAS Y DESVENTAJAS DE IOT

The time is not that far when you are out of home and your computers at home you have to know that your medicines have expired or that the milk is over or you need more pepper. This is not just a fantasy but soon to be a reality due to the amazing possibilities of the Internet of Things (IoT).
IoT is tagging our day-to-day objects with machine-readable identification tags. Sensors may be a couple with these tags to collect more information about the condition the everyday objects and those present around them. The same applies to various companies wherein the computers would keep track of the stock and resources and maintain them to optimum levels, thus saving a lot of time and money.

Before we understand the impact IoT can have on our way of living, it's important to go through its advantages and disadvantages:


Here are some advantages of IoT:

1. Data: The more the information, the easier it is to make the right decision. Knowing what to get from the grocery while you are out, without having to check on your own, not only saves time but is convenient as well.

2. Tracking: The computers keep a track both on the quality and the viability of things at home. Knowing the expiration date of products before one consumes them improves safety and quality of life. Also, you will never run out of anything when you need it at the last moment.

3. Time: The amount of time saved in monitoring and the number of trips done otherwise would be tremendous.

4. Money: The financial aspect is the best advantage. This technology could replace humans who are in charge of monitoring and maintaining supplies.


Here are some disadvantages of IoT:

1. Compatibility: As of now, there is no standard for tagging and monitoring with sensors. A uniform concept like the USB or Bluetooth is required which should not be that difficult to do.

2. Complexity: There are several opportunities for failure with complex systems. For example, both you and your spouse may receive messages that the milk is over and both of you may end up buying the same. That leaves you with double the quantity required. Or there is a software bug causing the printer to order ink multiple times when it requires a single cartridge.

3. Privacy/Security: Privacy is a big issue with IoT. All the data must be encrypted so that data about your financial status or how much milk you consume isn’t common knowledge at the work place or with your friends.

4. Safety: There is a chance that the software can be hacked and your personal information misused. The possibilities are endless. Your prescription being changed or your account details being hacked could put you at risk. Hence, all the safety risks become the consumer’s responsibility.


Although IoT has quite a few disadvantages, its advantages of saving the consumer time and money can’t be ignored. So the time isn’t far when the Internet Of Things will be commonly seen in both households and


In practical terms, it means that we are surrounded by intelligent technology that adapts to the needs of the users and these are five examples of how the IoT simplifies and improves the day to day of people. Siemens experts give us 5 uses, examples and Internet applications of things in everyday life, as well as their advantages or disadvantages. Let's see:


1. Smart buildings

In order to make buildings more efficient and competitive, digitization of housing plays a key role. Here the Internet of Things comes into play, once a building has been digitized, data and information are constantly transmitted about the operation of all the disciplines integrated in a building: from the weather, to protection against fires . For example, there are intelligent management platforms that help the user to manage, directly from the mobile, the environment of their offices according to their needs.

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2. Connected cities

The Internet of Things has one of its most visible applications on the roads of our cities. The so-called smart cities have cooperative traffic systems that, also through sensors, facilitate the flow of means of transport, cyclists and pedestrians. An example? In New Castle, thanks to the equipping of its streets with sensors and communication units, citizens can move faster and safer by reducing the environmental impact.

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3. E-mobility and Smart Grids

E- mobility and Smart Grids mobility is already a reality and sustainability also passes through the Internet technology of Things. Power distributors, charging stations and vehicle owners make the most of their "data" to manage all the infrastructure that allows the recharging of electric vehicles. It is a system based on cloud technology capable of providing information and services to consumers and commercial and industrial agents involved in the production, distribution, transportation and commercialization of energy.

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4. Digital Factory

Industry 4.0 benefits from the Internet of Things taking advantage of the storage and processing of data coming from the machines. In this way, costs and space problems are reduced since warehouse capacity is huge and can be quickly expanded, as well as connecting several managers at once.

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5. e-Health

In the healthcare environment, both the IoT and the Big Data have enormous potential that generates direct benefits for patients. The implementation of tools based on the administration and analysis of the data, improves the diagnosis, reduces the sanitary cost and results in a greater care control and better doctor-patient communication.

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Resultado de imagen para the future of internet of things

In near future, majority of our electronic or quantum ( hopefully) devices will be connected to the Internet via unique IP address (IPv6, since IPv4 will soon be filled up) and thus could be controlled by the owner from any place at any time.

Developing countries such as India envisaging the flagship projects of Smart Cities will pin their hopes to smart infrastructure combined with the huge influx of IoT technology. As for individuals, wearable connected devices and smart homes would be a key to a smart and sustainable future.

The IoTs will also help the governments and big enterprises in monitoring, collecting, analyzing and then providing solutions for any situation in a short time.

However, while constant upgradation of the technology will mean more electronic waste, the environment issue and green development should be kept in mind as well. Overall, the Internet Of Things has the capacity to build a futuristic society.


Internet has empowered the knowledge of people since its begining and now its turn to make "things" intelligent enough to sat...